Clément Marque received the Best Poster Award and gave a talk: Diffusion of a single colloid on the surface of a giant vesicle and a droplet
Congratulations to Aurélie Hourlier-Fargette and Alexandre Nominé, The two ex-aequo winners of the FRMNGE 2024 Young Researcher Award !
This year, the Jean-Pierre Pascault Prize of the Groupe Français des Polymères (GFP) was jointly awarded to Fouzia Boulmedais and Julien Nicolas.
The JNTE of the Thermoelectricity Scientific Interest Group was held at the ICS from 20 to 22 November and brought together 50 scientists.
NEWCOMERS’DAY – Tuesday, November 26th 2024
"Kid's University", a day of immersion for secondary school students in the world of university organised by the Jardin des Sciences
Mathilde Lescure was awarded the poster prize at the Soft Matter Meeting 2024.
Capucine Loth was awarded for the best oral communication at the GDR B2i Days 2024 in Mulhouse.
On the 25th of June was the "Fête du Labo", combining conviviality with scientific presentations.
On Wednesday 12 June, the ICS hosted the 19th Scientific Day of the GFP-Section Est.
Researchers of the ICS have established a theory which allows to predict the inflation of a bubble (drop) with an elastocapilallry skin on a needle