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Institut Charles Sadron

Institut Charles Sadron News

Welcome to Jennifer Rodon Fores

Jennifer joins the PECMAT team as a CNRS researcher to develop biomaterials based on peptide self-assemblies

One-step fiber production-functionalization

The production of polymer microfibers and their surface functionalization was conducted by microfluidics in one step.

Call for applications: CNRS Tenure Track Position

The ICS is searching highly motivated candidates for a Tenure Track position on polymer synthesis assisted by Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Welcome to Daniel Grande

Daniel joins the IP2 team and will become head of the ICS in july 2024

ICS is a partner of a CNRS “Quality of working life” project

The ICS is a partner of a CNRS “Quality of working life” project (call 2023). This project focuses on equality as a determining factor

The scientific mediation medal awarded to W. Drenckhan!

Wiebke Drenckhan received the CNRS scientific mediation medal for her engagement in sharing science with the public coupling art with foam physics.

INJELEC project winner of the Mature Your PhD contest

The INJELEC project, which aims to develop a 100% polymer conductive material, was selected among the winners of the Mature Your PhD competition.

Hommage to Paul Rempp, former ICS member

The pioneer of macromolecular engineering left us at the age of 95

A USIAS 2023 Fellow in the IP² team!

In 2023, Madeline Vauthier is one of the 13 USIAS Fellows to continue her research projects.

Award « Espoir de l’Université de Strasbourg » at the ICS!

Six researchers have been awarded a scientific prize « Espoirs » of the Unistra, including Aurélie Hourlier-Fargette (MIM team)

A review on conjugated polymer alignment

A review in Macromolecules reports 15 years of research at ICS on alignment of conjugated polymers by high temperature rubbing

Senem Yilmazer wins the mature your PhD 2023 contest

The student from the Sycommor team was awarded this price by the SATT Conectus (transfer technology organization) for her innovative work on oleogels.